GET https://api.flexpa.com/fhir/Location
Location is a supporting FHIR resource containing the details and position information for a physical place where services are provided and resources and resources may be stored, found, contained, or accommodated.
In contrast to many of the other resources available through Flexpa that are patient-specific, it serves as a foundational resource that supports the clinical and financial resources in the API.
For instance, an AllergyIntolerance may have been documented at a particular Location or an ExplanationOfBenefit may have been issued for a particular Location.
As a result, Location is most often used as part of an include
parameter in a search request to retrieve the related resources or is accessed via a read with a specific FHIR resource ID obtained from a financial or clinical resource.
#Sample request
This is a sample request using curl
curl "https://api.flexpa.com/fhir/Location" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN"
#Sample response
This is a sample response from Humana using Flexpa API in test mode