Link SDK
Link SDK is a secure, embeddable, user-facing consent application for Records retrieval.
Link SDK can be used in web and mobile apps.
Let us know if we can help support your records retrieval consent.
#How it works
- Embed the secure,
or WebView
based Link SDK consent flow in your web or mobile app
- Users consent to retrieve and exchange their health insurance claims, plan details, and medical records from any of our (covered network)
- Users finalize the consent process by providing a digital authorization
#What you need
There are a few things that you will need as part of your app to use Flexpa Link effectively:
- A pair of API Keys. Register in the Flexpa Portal today or contact us about enterprise plans.
- A frontend app to add the Flexpa Link component
- A backend web server to complete the Exchange step. (The exchange step requires passing
your secret key. This key should be kept secret. Thats why it can't be stored on the frontend)
#Using Flexpa Link
You can add Flexpa Link to your application within a couple of minutes.
Inside an HTML document add the <script>
tag to create a global FlexpaLink
object in your application.
Once the script is added to your user-facing application there are 4 main steps when using Flexpa Link:
- Create - Calling
will start a new authorization flow.
- Open - Calling{...})
will open the Flexpa Link component to allow the user to select an ednpoint and sign in.
- Exchange - Exchanging your tokens is how you access the Flexpa API
- Sync - Use our FHIR API to pull user data into your app.
Let's detail each of these steps below.
Add script tag
<script src=""></script>
First, initialize FlexpaLink
by calling create()
. This starts a new authorization flow so you will want to pass in some options to the create()
method call. We recommend passing in publishableKey
, user
, usage
and onSuccess
at a minimum.
- publishableKeystringRequired
The unique key to identify your app provided to you during registration at
- userobjectRequired
An object specifying information about the end user who will be linking their account.
Providing this object yields the following outcomes:
- 1. The user is associated with multiple Patient Access Tokens, allowing for improved insights into user behavior.
- 2. Flexpa enforces logical isolation of the user's data between family members if the payer does not implement appropriate Access Control Limits.
- externalIdstringRequired
A unique identifier of the user that is owned by the host application.
- usagestringRequired
The usage parameter controls how long the patient's data is accessible through Flexpa Link. For more information see our usage guide.
- ONE_TIMEstring
When passing ONE_TIME
, Flexpa expunges user data and revokes access after 24 hours.
After this time has passed, the user will need to walk through the auth flow again and re-authorize.
This usage pattern is suitable for applications that do not need to maintain long-term access to patient data.
- MULTIPLEstring
indicates that your app would like access to refreshed patient data over time.
This is ideal for applications that require ongoing access to a patient's data.
The authorization will be kept valid for as long as the payer allows.
When selected, you will receive a refresh_token
at the exchange step that can be used to get a new access_token
If you pass MULTIPLE
but the endpoint doesn't provide long-term access to patient data then we will change it to ONE_TIME
for you and you will not incur additional billing.
- onSuccess(publicToken: string) => voidRequired
A callback for when a patient completes the authentication flow in full.
A publicToken
is provided for use in the Exchange
step to obtain an access_token
- onSyncing(publicToken: string) => void
A callback for when a patient has completed the authentication flow, but data synchronization has not completed.
If you use this callback, you must be prepared to handle 429
response status codes.
A publicToken
is provided for use in the Exchange
step to complete the authentication flow.
- onLoad() => void
A callback for when Flexpa Link has finished loading after calling open
- onExit(error?: { code: string }) => void
A callback for when a patient exits without completing the authentication flow either due to an error or abandonment.
If there was an error, the first argument will be an object with a code
The code
property can be one of the following values:
The payer's endpoint returned an error after authorization when exchanging an authorization code for an access token.
The optional endpoint ID parameter provided to FlexpaLink is invalid.
The optional endpoint ID parameter provided to FlexpaLink does not match the mode of the publishableKey (test or live).
The unique key provided to FlexpaLink to identify your app is invalid.
The callback from payer's endpoint was not properly formatted.
The payer's endpoint returned an invalid state parameter.
The required FlexpaLink user object is either invalid or was not provided.
The required FlexpaLink usage parameter is either invalid or was not provided.
Flexpa was unable to synchronize the patient's data successfully after authorization.
The payer's endpoint did not grant access to the patient. This may occur if the patient clicks "do not consent" on some payer consent screens but can also occur for other reasons.
The payer's endpoint timed out before it could fulfill the request.
The payer has not made the selected plan accessible via their API. This may occur if the payer does not support API access for certain plan types.
The payer's endpoint did not understand the request.
The payer's endpoint experienced an internal server error.
The payer's endpoint configuration needs to be updated by a Flexpa admin.
The payer's scope configuration needs to be updated by a Flexpa admin.
If code
contains a value which is not listed above, please submit a bug report to
- endpointstring
An optional UUID string for an Endpoint.
Providing this value skips the search-and-select health plan step in the authentication flow.
- autoExitboolean
An optional boolean to control the exit behavior on successful authorizations.
When false
, the success screen will not automatically close and will require the patient to click continue. Defaults to true
- skipSyncingboolean
An optional boolean to control whether to show the patient the syncing screen. When true
, the syncing screen will be skipped and the patient will be taken directly to the success screen. Defaults to false
- skipExplainerboolean
An optional boolean to control whether to show the explainer screen. When true
, the explainer screen will be skipped and the patient will be taken to their payer authorization after the consent screen. Defaults to false
- requestedResourcesarray
An optional array specifying the supported FHIR resource types that should be synced for the patient.
If not provided, all supported resource types will be synced.
Providing a requestedResources
array allows you to define specific resource types that are synced for the patient, which can reduce the amount of time you and your patients will wait for the sync to complete.
Flexpa will resolve all references within the requested resources to ensure there are no missing dependencies.
For example, if you request Coverage
and a Coverage
resource references an Organization
then Flexpa will sync that Organization
resource too.
Please note that this argument only controls which resources Flexpa will attempt to sync. This does not guarantee that they will be available in the patient's data.
// Replace with your publishable key
publishableKey: 'pk_test_...',
// Replace with your application's user ID
user: {
externalId: 'usr_1234'
// Send `publicToken` to your backend to
// exchange it for a patient `access_token`
onSuccess: (publicToken) => {
console.log('publicToken: ', publicToken);
// Indicates data usage
usage: 'ONE_TIME',
Once Flexpa Link has been configured we can move on to the part where users get involved. We want to trigger opening Flexpa Link with some user initiated event. You can use window.onload
, button.onClick
, video.on('ended')
or any other event to trigger the
call. By default, this will open the search and select window for a patient to select their health insurance plan.
For example, opening on a button click.
- endpointstring
An optional UUID string for an Endpoint.
Providing this value skips the search-and-select health plan step in the authentication flow. This value
also overrides the same-named value provided to the Create step.
<button onclick="">
Connect your health data
#Exchange public token
When a user successfully links a health data source, FlexpaLink
calls the onSuccess
callback defined in the Create step.
This callback receives a public_token
For security reasons, this public_token
cannot be used to access the Flexpa API directly.
Instead, it must be exchanged for an access_token
. We call this the exchange
For additional security, a public_token
is only valid for 30 minutes and can only be used once.
Your application can send the public_token
and the secret_key
in exchange for an access_token
and a refresh_token
. The access_token
can be used to make subsequent requests to Flexpa API
You will only recieve a refresh_token
if you indicated you wanted MULTIPLE
usage and the endpoint
selected by the patient was refreshable.
You will also receive an expires_in
value (e.g. 86400
This represents the time in seconds for which the access_token
is valid, after which your application will be required to make an API request to
usage, you will additionally receive a refresh_token
This token can be used to obtain new access_token
values using the token refresh route without requiring the user to re-authorize.
If available, you will additionally receive a refresh_expires_in
value (e.g. 7776000
This represents the time in seconds for which the access_token
is refreshable, after which the user will be required to re-authorize your application to the payer.
The availability of refresh_expires_in
is subject to the payer's support of the feature.
During the process of exchanging a public token for an access token, Flexpa Link stores the patient ID received in the response from the server in a wildcard, $PATIENT_ID
You should use the wildcard in subsequent API requests.
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"public_token": "public_token_...",
"secret_key": "sk_test..."
Once the patient successfully authorizes their health plan via FlexpaLink
, Flexpa immediately retrieves the patient's data from the payer's FHIR server. The initial sync period typically lasts less than 1 minute. After Flexpa syncs the data to their servers, you may then use your access_token
to begin making calls to our FHIR API to retrieve any available patient data.
curl '$PATIENT_ID/$everything' \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN"
#Detailed Auth flow
One of the core flows Flexpa enables is authenticating users and then having them authorize Flexpa to access their
insurance and clinical data. There is a secondary authentication flow where your app must authenticate with
Flexpa API and be authorized to pull the data synced from a the user's payer.
The diagram below shows how you can use Flexpa Link to enable both of those core workflows.
The flow starts when a patient wants to connect their health plan data to your app. Your frontend loads Flexpa Link via a <script>
tag as described in the install step.
Your app calls FlexpaLink.create()
with your publishableKey
. Then your app calls
to start the authorization flow.
After a patient completes the authorization flow, Flexpa synchronizes the patient's health plan data to our FHIR server.
After the data synchronization has completed, Flexpa Link will call the onSuccess
callback passing in a public_token
On your server, you will exchange the public_token
for an access_token
Use the access_token
to make requests to Flexpa API to access the patient's health plan data.
#Mobile applications
Flexpa Link is normally installed in a browser application. It is possible to install Flexpa Link in a mobile application. For mobile applications, we recommend installing Flexpa Link inside of native application views which support tabs.
SFSafariViewController is a way to launch mobile Safari inside of your application (similarly to, but different from, a web view).
Using SFSafariViewController
is the recommended approach to implementing Flexpa Link in iOS.
This is because using SFSafariViewController
has the following notable benefits:
- Works out of the box, with a relatively small development effort required.
- Behaves like a fully featured Safari browser, including a built-in navigation bar, toolbar, reader mode, and the ability to use Safari's cookies and settings.
- Supports AutoFill, which may help users log in to their payer, improving login success rates.
- Includes accessibility features, such as resizable fonts.
- Provides security features. For example, the current page's domain is always visible to the user.
However, please note that using SFSafariViewController
has the following drawbacks:
- Users are required to tap 'Done' at the end of the Flexpa Link authentication flow to close the in-app browser.
- Generally speaking
is not very customizable. For example, your application cannot inject JavaScript, handle navigation events, or modify the DOM.
The following example code was generated for iOS 16.4.
FlexpaLink in iOS
import SwiftUI
import SafariServices
// 1. SafariView wrapper for SFSafariViewController
struct SafariView: UIViewControllerRepresentable {
let url: URL
func makeUIViewController(
context: Context
) -> SFSafariViewController {
return SFSafariViewController(url: url)
func updateUIViewController(
_ uiViewController: SFSafariViewController,
context: Context
) {
// Can be left empty for this use case
// 2. Example View
struct SafariViewOption: View {
@State private var showSafari: Bool = false
// Here, replace this URL with the web page that you are
// loading Flexpa Link on. We've used the
// demo app here to show it working end to end.
let url: URL? = URL(string: "")
var body: some View {
VStack {
Text("Open Flexpa Link").onTapGesture {
.sheet(isPresented: $showSafari, content: {
if let validURL = url {
SafariView(url: validURL)
struct SafariViewOption_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
#Workflow Ideas
Here are different techniques for embedding Flexpa Link into your application or service to ensure participation of new users and activate existing users:
Incorporate Flexpa Link directly into your new user onboarding experience.
New users have higher engagement as completion of enrollment is a compelling event to complete the Flexpa Link flow.
As these users sign up and learn to navigate your application, prompt them to link their payer account through Flexpa.
This could be presented as an initial setup step, or as a highlighted feature in a tutorial.
Make sure to explain the benefits and reassure the user about the security of the process.
Embed Flexpa Link as an activity or option within your existing patient interface.
This could be as a button, a banner, or a new tab in a user's profile settings.
Explain the value of linking their payer account and gently prompt users to do so.
On the user's profile or dashboard, you can include a personalized status or progress bar indicating the completion of their profile setup, including whether they've linked their payer account.
This visual cue can motivate users to complete their setup for existing users, including linking their payer account via Flexpa Link.
Customize the user's experience based on whether they have linked their payer account or not.
For those who have not linked their account, display a banner or a dedicated space on their dashboard, encouraging them to link their payer account.
For those who have linked their accounts, this space could be replaced with more advanced features or personalized content.
#In-app notifications
In-app notifications can be a powerful tool for existing users.
Use pop-up messages or notifications in your application to remind users to link their payer accounts via Flexpa Link.
These can be triggered based on certain user behaviors.
For example, you could notify when a user logs in, when they navigate to certain sections of the app, or when they have been inactive for a while.
Make sure these reminders are not too intrusive and are designed in a way that clearly communicates the value of the action.
#Additional techniques
Regardless of whether a user is new or existing, sometimes they need a little extra direction to complete the Flexpa Link flow.
Here are some additional techniques to encourage users to link their payer account:
In-app notifications may not be suited for all applications' populations.
Send targeted marketing campaigns to encourage users to link their payer accounts through Flexpa. This can be done via:
- Email: Craft an informative email explaining the benefits of linking a payer account and how to do it. Include a direct link to your application or web page you've built to launch Flexpa Link.
- SMS: Send a short, compelling message with a direct link to your application where users can easily link their payer accounts. Ensure the message is concise yet informative.
Consider offering small incentives or rewards for users who link their payer account.
This could be in the form of discounts, access to premium features, or other value-added benefits.
Incentives can be a powerful motivator for users to take action.
#Best practices
Below are some principles we typically recommend to optimize user conversion via Flexpa Link and ensure your users complete the authentication flow.
Some recommendations may be less applicable to your workflow.
#Explain the benefit
Your UI should tell the user why they want to use Flexpa and the value they get from linking their payer.
For example, linking their payer account might save them time inputting medication data manually or it might enable your app to present more relevant, tailored Medicare plan recommendations.
#Set expectations
Before launching the Flexpa flow, explain to the user that they'll be prompted to link a payer account.
Explain that they'll need to input their username and password, but also that they can create an account with their payer if they do not have one.
Explain what data your app collects from their account, and why it's needed.
#Present as default
Rather than presenting Flexpa and manual flows as equal alternatives, encourage your customers to use Flexpa through the size, positioning, and color of the Flexpa Link entry point.
You can also use labels such as "Recommended" or "Preferred".
Let customers know that Flexpa Link is secure and uses 256-bit encryption - a lock icon can also be used to help convey that Flexpa uses encryption.
Explain how patients can control their data and remove connectivity through Connections.
#Polish your flow
A Flexpa hosting flow that is aesthetically engaging, polished, and reflects your brand conveys the legitimacy and importance of linking an account.
Illustrations and interactive elements can all be a part of your pre-Flexpa messaging.
#Allow for multiple links
Patients sometimes have multiple payer accounts, such as a primary and secondary insurance for dual eligibles or a current and prior insurance for members who have changed carriers.
To capture all of this information, allow patients to link multiple accounts to your app, and make it clear that they can do so.
#Technical Configurations
#Django COOP Configuration
To set up a Cross-Origin Opener Policy (COOP) in Django, you need to add HTTP headers to your responses. This can be done by configuring your
# In
# ... other middleware
# ... other middleware
# For 'unsafe-none' option
# OR for 'same-origin-allow-popups' option
# SECURE_CROSS_ORIGIN_OPENER_POLICY = 'same-origin-allow-popups'
Django's SecurityMiddleware
will handle sending these headers with your responses. You only need to set it to one of the options (either unsafe-none
or same-origin-allow-popups
If you're using Django 4.0 or later, the SECURE_CROSS_ORIGIN_OPENER_POLICY
setting is built-in. For earlier versions, you might need to create a custom middleware:
class COOPMiddleware:
def __init__(self, get_response):
self.get_response = get_response
def __call__(self, request):
response = self.get_response(request)
response['Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy'] = 'unsafe-none' # or 'same-origin-allow-popups'
return response
# Then add to MIDDLEWARE in
# ... other middleware
# ... other middleware
#Next steps